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November 20, 2000

Making the News

Donald Croll, assistant professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, was quoted in Metro Santa Cruz in an item about the American Cetacean Society meeting last week in Monterey. Croll presented a paper on the foraging patterns of blue whales in Monterey Bay at the meeting.

Politics professor Wendy Mink was quoted in a Village Voice article about the presidential candidates titled "The Patriot: Ralph Nader Keeps Democracy Alive."

An article in the San Francisco Chronicle about an international effort to track marine life in the Pacific Ocean featured professor of ecology and evolutionary biology Daniel Costa and his research on elephant seals.

Bruce Lyon, assistant professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, and his coauthors fielded numerous media calls about their recent paper on the relationship between plumage color and mating success in male lazuli buntings. Science News, USA Today, and a variety of online news services covered the story.

The Daily Mail newspaper in London and Scientific American online ran stories featuring Earth sciences grad student Mark Clementz and associate professor Paul Koch and their research on an extinct North American rhinoceros called Teleoceras.

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