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May 12, 2003

New Faculty

Wentai Liu
Professor of Electrical Engineering

Wentai Liu
Photo: Tim Stephens

Wentai Liu has done pioneering research on the design of high-speed integrated circuits, including development of the wave pipelining technique. He has also applied his microelectronics expertise in an interdisciplinary project to develop a retinal prosthesis for the restoration of eyesight in the blind. His research interests include biomimetic microsystems, molecular electronics, microelectronics sensor design, and computer vision and image processing. Liu earned a B.S. in electronic engineering from National Chiao-Tung University in Taiwan, M.S. in electrical engineering from National Taiwan University, and Ph.D. in computer engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Before joining the UCSC faculty, he was the Alcoa Chair Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at North Carolina State University.


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