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Thomas Pettigrew to advise German government on immigration issues

Founding provost of College Eight receives top award




September 29, 2003

Awards and Honors

Thomas Pettigrew to advise German government on immigration issues

The German government has appointed Thomas F. Pettigrew, research professor of social psychology, to the advisory committee of the Science Center of Berlin’s project, "Intercultural Conflict and Societal Integration."

The appointment is the latest accolade for Pettigrew, who specializes in racial prejudice. As a New Century Scholar named earlier this year by the U.S. Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, he has been conducting research on the reactions to the millions of new immigrants to Western Europe. He has been hosted by Ulrich Wagner, a professor at Philipps University at Marburg, Germany.

Since 1988, Pettigrew has studied attitudes toward Europe's new immigrants, which he said reflect "all the things we have learned about prejudice around the world."
-by Jennifer McNulty

Founding provost of College Eight receives top award

Paul Niebanck, the founding provost of College Eight and a professor of environmental planning at UCSC from 1973 to 1992, has been honored as the Distinguished Educator of 2003 by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning. The award recognizes excellence in scholarship, teaching, and other outstanding service to the planning field.

As provost of College Eight, Niebanck helped institute programs in women's reentry and in cooperative education, and he built strong linkages with the Santa Cruz community at many levels. Later, he served as the first vice chancellor for Student Affairs and then as chair of the Academic Senate. Niebanck was among the first faculty members recognized by the Academic Senate for distinction in undergraduate teaching. After leaving UCSC, he taught at Portland State University and the University of Washington.

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