March 13, 2006
Physicist Michael Dine to give Distinguished
Lecture Series in Israel
By Tim Stephens
Michael Dine, professor of physics, will give a series of lectures
on theoretical physics this month at the Technion (Israel Institute
of Technology) in Haifa, Israel. Dine, a leading theoretical
physicist, will give a Distinguished Lecture Series titled "Beyond
the Standard Model: A Confrontation with Fundamental Questions."
The series comprises three lectures and is sponsored by the
Institute of Theoretical Physics at the Technion.
Dine's research has addressed many of the questions left unanswered
by the standard model of particle physics, including the nature
of dark matter, the origin of the asymmetry between matter and
antimatter, and the physics underlying cosmological inflation.
He has been a leading figure in the exploration of string theory
as a tool to understand the new physics beyond the standard