[Currents headergraphic]

July 19, 1999

Take Note
Photo of students with artwork.
Sisters (l-r) Jessica and Tami Fisher show off their work from the Alternative Processes in Photography course (more).

Exhibit in downtown Santa Cruz features student photo murals

Students from the Alternative Processes in Photography course will exhibit their work--a collection of large photo murals--in a plaza in downtown Santa Cruz from July 21 through August 31. The exhibition takes place in the plaza at 1545 Pacific Avenue, adjacent to Espresso Royale Caffe and behind Oswald's. A reception is also planned for Friday, July 30, at 7 p.m. in the same location. The reception and exhibition are free and open to the public. The summer photography class, which teaches students how to use old and new alternative photographic processes such as Cyanotype and digital photography, is taught by Jyl Kelley. For more information, call (831) 459-2282.

July broadcast schedule for UCSC Forum

Faculty and guest lectures airing this month on UCSC Forum are listed below. The show airs on Community Television, Channel 72, at 8 p.m. Sundays and is rebroadcast at 4:30 p.m. Wednesdays.

Staff and faculty invited to purchase tickets at special rate for two performances of Shakespeare Santa Cruz

The Women at Work Retreat is making it possible for staff and faculty to purchase tickets at the special reduced rate of $14/ticket for two performances of Shakespeare Santa Cruz.

To purchase tickets, call Diana Sue Miller at (831) 459-2882. Tickets must be purchase by July 30.

Do you have a talent, hobby, or interest you'd like to share with children?

The Family Student Housing School Age Program is looking for people to volunteer to do a short (20-minute) presentation one day during the summer. How about music? Candle making? Astronomy? Bird watching? Life cycles? The sky is the limit here. The children are smart and fairly good listeners. Hands-on activities to accompany the presentations are especially appreciated. If you have an acquaintance who might be interested, let us know , and we'll follow up with them. For more information or to schedule a talk, call (831) 459-4085 or e-mail gbloebaum@housing.ucsc.edu.

Gear up for summer

Photo or staff of Outdoor Recreation OfficeThe Outdoor Equipment Rental Center at the Office of Physical Education, Recreation, and Sports (OPERS) can help you gear up for any trip or outdoor adventure this summer. The center is open to all students, staff, and faculty and rents camping and mountaineering gear, water sports equipment, and bicycle gear at extremely reasonable prices (for example, a surfboard rents for $6 per day and $12 for the weekend; a 2-3 person tent can be rented for $8 per weekend and $16 per week). Located upstairs in the East Field House, the rental shop is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 5:30 p.m. through August 12. For more information, call (831) 459-2800.

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