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Photo of 
students marching through campus
Response to crisis includes teach-ins, student march
Members of the UCSC community continue to organize teach-ins and discussion sessions related to the terrorist attacks and the U.S. response. On Wednesday, October 17, for example, UCSC faculty will participate in a panel discussion titled "Race and the Crisis: A Conversation in the Aftermath of September 11." In related news, a large rally on campus on October 11 attracted as many as 1,000 students (above) who marched from Quarry Plaza to UCSC's main entrance. On the same day, a Red Cross blood drive on campus was attended by many students. Complete coverage of related activities

October 15-21, 2001
Vol. 6, No. 10

Substance found in campus envelope turns out to be harmless

Geologists increase estimates of earthquake frequency

UC proposes special retirement savings option for employees

UCSC researcher named Hispanic Scientist of the Year

Rainbow Theater troupe presents multicultural one-act plays

Three UCSC professors honored for excellent teaching

International collaboration targets science education

More Campus News: Campus hosts 'Preview Day' for prospective students... University Club lunch... Arts & Lectures kicks off season... 'Lunafest' comes to campus... Documentary on human-animal relationship... Noontime massages... Upcoming rec classes... and more.

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