
December 12, 2005

New online newsletter for UC families

The University of California has a new newsletter for UC faculty, staff, and students who are balancing academic goals or careers with family life. Called UC Families, the newsletter is web-based and parent-run and comes out about twice a month. In addition, the UC Families home page provides resources for families on UC campuses, UC-wide policy and benefits information, and archives of past advice and discussions.

Subscribers to UC Families can post questions or engage in discussions on topics such as managing work and family responsibilities, planning the optimal time to start a family, finding advice on progressing academically as a student parent, returning to academia after having a baby, or advocating for flexible work arrangements.

UC Families is the most recent newsletter addition to the Berkeley Parents Network, a no-fee Bay Area parent-to-parent advice newsletter serving 12,000 families. It is also a collaboration with the UC Faculty Family Friendly Edge initiative, designed to develop and implement a comprehensive package of innovative work-family policies and programs for ladder-rank faculty in the UC system.

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