
UCSC in the News

Literature professor John Jordan was featured in a New York Times article about Google Scholar, a new service from the giant search engine designed to find scholarly abstracts, books, peer-reviewed papers, and technical papers intended for academics and scientists.

The Scientist magazine ran an article about biologist Bruce Lyon's research on black-headed ducks.

Research by physicist Zack Schlesinger on an unusual material that contracts when heated was covered by Physical Review Focus, Materials Today, and Innovations Report.

Missouri's Moberly Monitor-Index described an interactive seminar presented by American Studies professor Tricia Rose that explored the relationship of race and youth culture.

A Time magazine article about cosmology included quotes from physicist Anthony Aguirre.

A National Geographic News article about evolution in lizards included quotes from Barry Sinervo, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology.

The Santa Cruz Sentinel noted that music department lecturer Patrice Maginnis would perform at a concert of Kurt Weill music to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Jewish Studies program at UCSC.


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