
Drug-policy expert Craig Reinarman gives scholarly talks

During his recent sabbatical at the University of Amsterdam, sociology professor Craig Reinarman delivered nearly a dozen invited lectures on drug-policy issues and participated in numerous scholarly conferences.

Photo of Craig Reinarman

Craig Reinarman
UCSC Photo Services

Reinarman gave several talks about his recent research comparing marijuana use in Amsterdam and San Francisco, including a presentation during the "Second Perspectives on Cannabis Conference" in Liverpool, England, and a talk about use patterns under decriminalization, entitled "Does All Hell Break Loose?" that was presented at the International Drug Policy Conference in London. He also discussed the study during an invited lecture at The Centre for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs at Stockholm University in Sweden.

In January, Reinarman delivered a talk, "Racism and the War on Drugs," during a conference in London focused on the politics, philosophy, and economics of drugs. He discussed drug mythology and drug policy during invited talks in the Netherlands and Wales, and he helped organize two panels in Belfast about harm reduction during the 16th International Conference on the Reduction of Drug-Related Harm.

Reinarman chaired a panel on youth and drugs during a conference about drugs and alcohol that was held in London, and he discussed public health and human rights during an invited public lecture at the Addiction Research Centre at Trinity College in Dublin. He gave a talk, called "Looking Back at Crack: Media, Myths, and the Politics of Imprisonment," in Liverpool, and he wrapped up his sabbatical with an invited lecture, called "The Politics of Drugs and Crime in the USA," at the Willem Pompe Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology at Utrecht University in the Netherlands.

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