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March 29, 2004

Martin M. Chemers shares insight into his approach to acting chancellor role

By Elizabeth Irwin

UCSC’s acting chancellor as of April 1, Martin M. Chemers, is an expert on leadership. For decades, he has researched, taught, and written countless articles and several books on the subject.

Martin M. Chemers will be acting chancellor as of April 1. Photo: Victor Schiffrin

He also brings the benefit of his practical experience, most recently as interim campus provost and executive vice chancellor, and earlier as UCSC’s dean of social sciences.

In a conversation with Currents before he assumed office, Chemers provided the following insights into the style and character he will bring to his new role.

What do you want the UCSC community to know about you, as you begin office?

I won’t lie to you--and I won’t sugarcoat the truth. You can trust me. Sometimes I’ll make a mistake--and, if I do, I’ll do my best to fix it. I am honest and hard working. I am completely dedicated to doing the best possible job. In fact, I promise to work as hard as any of you--and I know that is saying a lot. This is a wonderful campus, and we have accomplished remarkable things. Some of the smartest people in the world work here--truly exceptional faculty and staff, and it is a privilege and pleasure to share important work with such capable individuals. I will do everything within my power to be sure we keep our momentum toward an even more rewarding future.

What do you think the campus needs, in order to face our immediate challenges?

We’re going full-speed ahead with the Executive Budget Committee process. We’ve made solid progress over the past year, and I am committed to following through, both with the transformation projects and with making strategic budget reductions. It won’t be easy, but if we believe in ourselves, if we maintain our will, if we don’t give up, we’ll be able to withstand budget cuts and any other challenges that might come our way. And, if we stay together, we’ll be ready when the money comes back. Think of us as a sailing ship, in the doldrums. There’s no wind, but we don’t let ourselves get discouraged. Instead, we keep the decks clean. We scrape off the barnacles and repair the sails. And the moment the wind freshens, we’re ready to continue our journey at full speed. Some people may think this is a corny image – but that is exactly the positive approach we need to take. Even if present circumstances don’t allow us to do everything we’d like to right now, things will get better. And I want to be certain we don’t miss a beat when opportunity knocks again.

It can be difficult to look ahead, especially since divisions are now grappling with budget cuts. Is there a secret to focusing on the future?

At any moment in life, the only thing we can control is our attitude. The message of many great teachers has been that we must live each moment impeccably. If your attitude is right, you have the advantage. Still, I recognize that taking a positive view will be harder for some than for others, depending on how budget cuts affect them personally. Some jobs may disappear and others may change. Some of us will have to learn new skills to take on different jobs. We probably won’t be able to afford all the services that we’re used to having. Adversity gives us a chance to demonstrate that we’re really as good as we think we are--and maybe we’re even better! We’ll all have to dig in, maybe carry a little more weight, try a little harder. Most importantly, we have to pull together. And, we have to be a team to succeed. Besides, there is nothing more fun than being a part of a team that has a purpose and is going somewhere.

What values will you bring to your new office?

Honor and duty. This means doing what I believe is right, even if it is difficult. When you know you’re doing the very best you can, it is hard to be down on yourself. You have confidence, you keep trying, and in the end, you succeed. That’s what I expect to do as acting chancellor.

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